Wednesday, May 31, 2006


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SR22 IN THE GUADALUPE 411 Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

California Department of Insurance

California Department of Insurance: "The Truth About Your Automobile Insurance Rates

If you�re here because of the insurance industry's attack campaign, then you probably haven�t heard the true story. If you believe, as I do, that your insurance rates should be based more on how safely you drive than where you live, you might want to learn the real facts about my new regulations.

It is simply not true that your rates must rise as a result of the regulations. In fact, as a good driver your rates may well decrease. Auto insurance companies are making a lot of money, and some may be in line for rate decreases. In the meantime, many of you can start saving now by shopping around. Some of the largest carriers, like State Farm, Farmers, Allstate, Safeco, and 21st Century, are sometimes the most expensive.

My new regulations will help stop insurers from charging good drivers too much money. Together we can achieve fair rates for all.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

What Happens If P/C Industry Catches the Flu; Program Best Practices; Giant Program Guide Highlight IJ Magazine

What Happens If P/C Industry Catches the Flu; Program Best Practices; Giant ProgrWhat Happens If P/C Industry Catches the Flu; Program Best Practices; Giant Program Guide Highlight IJ Magazine
May 23, 2006
The potential exposures for the property casualty insurance industry have fallen under the radar in the discussions of the effects of an Avian flu or other pandemic. Most people keeping watch on the possible effects have had their eye on the life insurance industry. But how could P/C insurers and their agents and brokers be affected? What should U.S. businesses do to prepare?
In the May 22 issue of Insurance Journal, Robert Meder and Frank Scott of Hilb Rogal & Hobbs of New York City offer insight on why businesses and their insurance partners should be evaluating their property/casualty coverages and business continuity plans.
"The main issue for most businesses is continuity of operations," write Meder and Scott. However, they advise insurance buyers to look beyond the obvious. "In our litigious society, it is conceivable that lawsuits may arise from claimants alleging that they contracted the flu from premises or activities of third parties," they continue. They further argue that there is even the potential for workers' compensation claims that the flu was contracted in a workplace environment.
Best PracticeInsurance Journal's May 22 issue also has the story of the world's first certified Best Practice program administrator. The Target Markets Program Administrators Association has launched the TMPAA Best Practice designation.
A First for Program Managers
Click here for interview John Solari and his Professional Underwriters did and made history by earning the first Best Practice Program Administrator designation. Here's how and why he did it.
Although it's brand new, TMPAA already has its first designee. Professional Underwriters Inc. of Exton, Penn., has earned the distinction of being the first program administrator in the country, perhaps the world, to be certified as a Best Practice Program Administrator and able to use the coveted seal and logo. John Solari, president of Professional Underwriters, recently discussed the Best Practice process and what the designation means to his firm in an interview with Insurance Journal's Andrew Simpson.
"I think we learned a few things in the process. I think we learned we do an awful lot of things pretty well, which we believed that would be the case. But for our organization there were a couple of areas where we actually learned that we could probably do a little better in," says Solari in the May 22 magazine. (For the complete interview with Solari click on the link above.)
The issue also contains Insurance am Guide Highlight IJ Magazine

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Eight Indicted by San Diego County Grand Jury for Fraud

Eight Indicted by San Diego County Grand Jury for Fraud: "On October 2002, defendants McGrath and Rogantino, officers of NICA, contacted a San Diego County insurance broker to apply for and receive a workers' compensation insurance policy from the San Diego District Office of SCIF. Over the course of the next year, NICA reported 47 claims for injured workers whom in fact were injured, however not all 47 workers were employed with NICA. In actuality, NICA employed only a few of the 47 employees. These workers' comp claims involved bicycle, motorcycle and motor vehicle couriers.
The California Department of Insurance assisted in this investigation and worked with the Massachusetts State Police in obtaining and serving a search warrant for the office of NICA.
'This major investigation was successful because of tremendous help from the California Department of Insurance, with assistance from the Employment Development Department and the State Compensation Insurance Fund,' said District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis.
Source: California Department of Insurance"

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Official Google Blog

Official Google Blog


mercury Posted by Picasa

sr22 shop sign theh one

sr22 sign the one
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sr22 sign newest

sr22 sign newest Posted by Picasa

the sr22 shop

sr22 filing Posted by Picasa

Sunday, May 14, 2006

taghome1358's space

taghome1358's space





sr22 - Yahoo! Search Results

sr22 - Yahoo! Search Results

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Yakima Herald Republic Online - Home Page - Yakima, Washington News, Classifieds, Information, Advertising

Yakima Herald Republic Online - Home Page - Yakima, Washington News, Classifieds, Information, Advertising

KUWAIT: Saudi Arabia's 2006 National Budget projected the revenues at SR390bn and expenditure at SR335bn resulting in the surplus of SR55bn. The revenues are 29.7% lower than the year 2005 actual figures of SR555bn. It is to be noted that the budgeted revenues of 2004 were also lower by 28% than the actual revenues reported in 2004 indicating the conservative estimates maintained by the government while preparing the budgets. However, the official projections of the oil and non-oil revenues are not released. The 2006 budget projects expenditure at SR335bn, a decrease of SR6bn in expenditure from last year's actual expenditure of SR341bn. Capital expenditure is estimated to account for SR126bn (37.6% of the total) while the current expenditure would account for the remaining SR209bn (62.4% of the total).During the fiscal year 2005, Saudi Arabia originally had expected a balanced budget with both revenues and expenditure amounting to SR280bn. However, this was based on the conservative estimates with price assumptions and the estimates turned out to be far below actual levels as the Saudi Arabian Light Oil averaged US$49.9/barrel, far higher than the estimated value of US$25/barrel taken in 2005 budget. Also the production levels averaged 9.5mn bpd in 2005 which added to the resultant increase in the actual figures.Both the revenues and expenditure recorded a steep increase from the 2005 budgeted numbers with the revenues exceeding by 98.2% over the 2005 budgeted revenues and the expenses exceeding by 22.8% over the expenditure estimated in 2005 budget. With revenues outpacing the expenditure the deficit as projected in 2005 budget was turned to a whopping surplus of SR214bn. It has been indicated that part of the surplus will be allocated to reduce the outstanding public debt and a substantial chunk will be used on the development projects.According to our scenario analysis, we believe that Saudi Arabia is likely to post another surplus in the year 2006. Despite the oil prices easing, we hold firm our expectations that the Saudi Arabian Light price will not fall below $40/barrel. Additionally, although Opec production may be curbed in 2006, we maintain that the Saudi oil production levels will not fall below 7.5mn bpd in 2006 resulting in the oil & gas revenues of SR60bn in the worst case scenario. Regarding the other revenues, we have assumed that the other revenues will be slightly more than 2005 revenues. On the expenditure side, we expect that the actual expenditure will be more than what is budgeted as has been the case in the past. Implementation of the new projects may also take its toll in boosting the overall spending bill. We expect expenditure to be SR375bn, which is about 11.9% more than what has been reported in the latest budget projections (SR335bn). All our scenarios bode well for the government coffers with our most likely scenario pegging the surplus to reach SR126.7bn. Therefore our forward-looking yardstick for assessing the Saudi Arabia's performance for the current year leads us to believe Saudi Arabia's sound fiscal position will remain an integral piece of a growing economy.Allocations
Saudi Arabia's continuing stress on improving the skills of its nationals is evident from the allocations of the recently announced 2006 budget. Manpower development continued to account for the largest allocation in the budget and received SR87.3bn (26.1% of the total outlays) for 2006. This is up by about 25% from the last year outlay of SR69.9bn. The government's intention is to improve the primary education which can be seen from the fact that new projects entail construction of 2,673 new schools in addition to 3,300 schools which are under construction. In order to provide quality higher education within the country, new budget includes 3 new universities in Jazan, Hail and al-Jouf, 85 university colleges and 3 university hospitals. In terms of technical and vocational sector, the new budget allocated funds for 3 new technical colleges, 15 vocational training centres, three technical colleges and 14 vocational training centers. We believe that this coupled with Saudisation initiatives will help in the long-run for local population to take up professional positions as well as start their own small and medium enterprises (SME).However, another theme for this year's budget seems to have been the improvement in allocation towards the infrastructure sector which will act as the base for the continued economic growth of the country. The allocations to the water, agriculture and infrastructure sector amounted to SR22.5bn which includes capital expenditure of SR18bn. The new projects include water, sewage and desalination project amounting to SR13bn and projects in the industrial cities of Jubail and Yanbu, agricultural projects and flour mill projects. The government has also directed that a sum of SR2bn from the budget surplus should be allocated for the construction of national housing projects in various regions of the Kingdom.Healthcare sector too has received significant attention in this year's budget as the government allocated SR31bn in 2006 budget as compared to SR23.1bn allocated in the last year's budget. Saudi Arabia has one of the fastest population growths in the world and there is a greater need for providing primary healthcare and medical services to the population. In 2006-budget, the government has indicated that it plans to construct 440 new primary care centres and 24 hospitals with a capacity of 3,800 beds. Also 89 hospitals are under construction which will add 10,650 beds to the existing capacity. With the increase in the life expectancy, there will be a strong growth in the old population (above 65 years) which will require medical attention and facilities. We believe that this will call for more participation by the private sector in the medical services sector. With the growing urbanization in mind, the Saudi government has proactively allocated SR13.4bn towards the municipality services which include new project aggregating to SR10bn in this budget. The allocation of the municipality services increased by 49.3% over the previous year. Transport and communication services allocation too increased by 33% reaching SR11.5bn in 20006 budget. The government has allocated SR9.2bn for new projects which include roads (5700km), ports, and airport and railroad development. We believe that improvement in transportation allocation combined with the strong increase in infrastructure development will help in improving the investment climate in the country and help in garnering the increased share of FDI coming in the region.
Govt Debt
According to the budget report of 2006 released by the Ministry of Finance, the public debt is expected to drop SR614bn reported at the end of 2004 to SR475bn in 2005, amounting to 41.2% of the country's GDP. The government has stated its intention to use the fiscal surplus to settle part of its outstanding public debt. The government has done a commendable job in bringing down the debt as percent of GDP from 93.3% in 2001 to the current 41.2%. We expect that debt reduction policy will continue in the wake of strong surplus expected to be generated by the government. As the year 2005 brought huge fiscal surplus, the government need not finance any deficit with the issuance of new debt. The government, in future, is likely to use the windfall of high oil revenues to fund the new projects rather than borrowing from the market. However, looking at the GCC peers, the government debt/GDP is still the highest among the GCC countries and it will have to reduce its debt in order to be at a level playing field in the forthcoming GCC monetary union. However, the country has enough financial flexibility and liquidity that the situation of government debt seems less alarming. Government's debt to government revenues ratio too declined from 156% in 2004 to a manageable 85.6% as a result of the growth in the country's revenues combined with the repayment of the outstanding debt.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Blogger: User Profile: sr22 boy

Blogger: User Profile: sr22 boy
sr22 california
Welcome to The National College for DUI Defense, Inc.The National College for DUI Defense, Inc. (NCDD) is a professional, non-profit corporation dedicated to the improvement of the criminal defense bar, and to the dissemination of information to the public about DUI Defense Law as a specialty area of law practice. The National College is headquartered in Montgomery, Alabama. It consists of a governing Board of Regents, a Founding Membership, a Sustaining Membership and a General Membership.College members represent the most experienced DUI defense attorneys in the country. The original Founding Members funded the establishment of the college, and are among the top DUI practitioners in the United States. Since its founding, the College continues to recognize, as Sustaining Members, defense lawyers who have demonstrated the skill and experience of the original Founding Members, as well as the generosity to financially sustain the growth of the NCDD. General Members are the backbone of the college—capable, experienced attorneys who dedicate a portion of their practice to the defense of DUI cases throughout the country.When the National College for DUI Defense was founded, the Board of Regents envisioned a Board Certification program as the culmination of its program of education. In 1999, the Board instituted Board Certification as a means of recognizing lawyers within the college who exemplify the program's standards, and who meet the criteria established by the Board of Regents: extensive experience trying DUI cases and litigating pre-trial issues, a broad knowledge of the science involved in testing for intoxicants, and a command of the legal process on which DUI cases are framed.The American Bar Association, in 2003, recognized DUI Defense Law as a specialty area in the practice of law, and in 2004 the ABA awarded its "Certificate of Accreditation" to the Board Certification program of the National College for DUI Defense. The NCDD is the only organization in the country accredited to certify lawyers in the DUI Defense Law specialty practice area. ABA accreditation is currently recognized in 20 states. Please check your own state's rules for certification.The members of the College welcome

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Midnight in Iraq - A Marine's blog. Live from Fallujah.

Midnight in Iraq - A Marine's blog. Live from Fallujah.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Yahoo! Answers - Search

Yahoo! Answers - Search